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Heritage Week at Steveston Tram

Steveston Tram 4111 Moncton Street, Richmond, British Columbia

Join us for Heritage Week 2024

Spring Break at Steveston Tram

Steveston Tram 4111 Moncton Street, Richmond, British Columbia

All aboard the Steveston Tram this Spring Break to have fun exploring Richmond's transportation heritage.


Doors Open at Steveston Tram

Steveston Tram 4111 Moncton Street, Richmond, British Columbia

Drop in during Richmond's Doors Open weekend and get a behind-the-scenes look at Tram Car 1220's restoration project.


BC Culture Days Event at Steveston Tram

Steveston Tram 4111 Moncton Street, Richmond, British Columbia

Make your own "Buzzer" transit newsletter and visit the Transit Museum during BC Culture Days.


Winter Tram

Steveston Tram 4111 Moncton Street, Richmond, British Columbia

Winter in the Village in Steveston BC for the month of December. Don't miss the holiday fun and decor at the Steveston Tram. Closed Mondays and Stat holidays.
