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Steveston Scarecrow Crawl
Steveston Scarecrow Crawl

Meet Agatha, our well-dressed 1920's flapper scarecrow, and learn about her adventures on the Steveston Tram.

Steveston Scarecrow Crawl
Steveston Community Park Upgrades

Our neighbouring Steveston Community Park Playground is getting an upgrade!

Steveston Scarecrow Crawl
The Buzzer – Culture Days

Make your own "The Buzzer" during our Culture Days event on October 5.

Steveston Scarecrow Crawl
World Rivers Day with Ocean Wise

Join our guests from Ocean Wise on World Rivers Day September 22

Steveston Scarecrow Crawl
BC Culture Days at Steveston Tram

On Saturday, October 5 be inspired by rail and road transit of the past at the Steveston Tram, during the Canada-wide Culture Days celebration of arts and culture. Get crafty … Continued

Steveston Scarecrow Crawl
BC Culture Days – Britannia Shipyards NHS

Celebrate BC Culture Days at the Britannia Shipyards National Historic Site.