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School Program

Britannia Boatbuilders

Grades K-6, Adaptable to different groups

Discover the history of innovation in fishing and boatbuilding at Britannia Shipyards.

White table with two hammers, blocks of wood and sandpaper, along with a booklet that reads: Britannia Boat Builders Program Notes
Grades K-3

Explore the Britannia Shipyards National Historic Site to learn about history of boatbuilding and its importance in Steveston. Students will explore the different steps to build a boat by participating in a tool scavenger hunt, a caulking demonstration, and more maritime-themed activities. These steps will then be applied to a boatbuilding activity, with each student making their own small wooden boat to bring home. Program can be adapted for different groups (preschool, out-of-school care, and home school).

Grades 4-6

Explore the Britannia Shipyards National Historic Site through the lens of innovation, and how things have changed throughout the history of fishing and boatbuilding in Steveston. Students will engage in four different interactive stations with themes ranging from innovation in recycling, resources, and communications. These concepts will then be discussed and applied to a boatbuilding activity, with each student making their own wooden boat model to bring home.

For more information, please contact us.


$210 per class (max 30 students)


90 minutes


Tuesdays and Wednesdays only: 9:30am to 2pm

Additional Information

Details on booking school programs


Please fill in this Booking Request Form

For more information, please contact us by email or by phone: 604.238.8050