Step into the shoes of a history detective to discover the diverse experiences of immigrants who tried to make Steveston their home. First, students will explore four historical houses through a scavenger hunt. After a short break, the adventure continues with an immersive activity where each group delves into a unique immigrant story. Armed with historical documents and fascinating artifacts like a typewriter, a radio or a washboard, students will piece together the narrative of their chosen immigrant group and uncover how settlers from different countries faced different challenges to build their new home.
This school program focuses on the following Big Ideas from the BC Curriculum:
· Grade 4: The pursuit of valuable natural resources has played a key role in changing the land, people and communities of Canada.
· Grade 5: Immigration and multiculturalism shape Canadian society and identity.
· Grade 6: Economic self-interest can be a significant cause of conflict among peoples and governments.
$160 per class (max 30 students)
120 minutes with 5-10 min. break
Tuesdays to Fridays 9:30am to 2pm
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Details on booking school programs
Please fill in this Booking Request Form
For more information, please contact us by email or by phone: 604.238.8050