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Knotty donations kneeded!

Colourful knitted octopus hanging from a big tree with knitters sitting underneath
Seeking yarn and old sweaters for the return of a knitting workshop at Richmond Maritime Festival

The Richmond Maritime Festival is looking for any donations of yarn, knitting supplies and old wool clothing for our planned ’knit in’ of an underwater scene for our 2024 festival. In previous years we have knitted a large octopus that graced the tree above the community. The octopus was made entirely of recycled old sweaters and knitted items. The knitting is done with donated and repurposed wool. We teach festival goers of all ages the time honoured skill of knitting in a small circle to foster a sense of connection between the participants, and the shared legacy for the future of the festival.

Please bring donations of knitting materials to the Visitor Centre at Britannia Shipyards National Historic Site during open hours 10am to 5pm, daily. Donations accepted until Friday August 23, 2024.

And come join for the “Under the Sea” knitting and crocheting workshop with Ainsley and Lianna Oh during the Richmond Maritime Festival on Saturday and Sunday, August 24 & 25, 2024 from 11am to 6pm. Admission is FREE!